Sunday, November 25, 2012

Google is down?

I just wanted to search something and for first time I encountered this:

I think, all idols fall eventually... :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Where is London?

I read Wikipedia and found these:

London is located at 35°19′33″N 93°14′12″W
London is located at 36°28′34″N 119°26′32″W
London is located at 37°7′39″N 84°5′3″W
London is located at 51°30′26″N 0°7′39″W
London is located at 39°53′15″N 83°26′42″W
London is located at 30°40′37″N 99°34′35″W

Can you tell where London is? :)

Btw, how dare these counties to name their cities exactly like the valid one?
I presume, the kid who has been asked where he is from and tells London, feels idiot when it turns out it was some wannabe village :D

Is this London?
Nay, this one is :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Presenter with missing tooth: Cindy Shook

Really? Anyone can be a presenter in America? How much money does Auction Kings (Hunters/Viewers) do? Can't she afford a dental treatment? In America? People in that country are so proud of their immaculate teeth. Well, here is an example, ON SCREEN :D
She is ugly and she has missing teeth. Little fastidiousness please...