Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Flappy ears and pointy chin: Kristen Stewart

Who thinks that Kirsten (or Kirstreen or Kristrien or something) is attractive? People have no eyes? She's got flappy ears and a chin so pointy one could kill with it :D She has a face expression that she would jump and bite the throat :)
And now she cheated on her boyfriend. Great lady :D

Skinny legged actress: Meghan Markle

In the series Suits, there is a so called "hot-woman" character. It is played by Meghan Markle. Her face and ass are okay, but her legs are extremely skinny. It is very weird as her strong hip and strong tighs are followed by two sticks. Too bad, she is rather strange than a top woman.
She should do some excersise, don't you think? :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cross-eyed actress: Brenda Strong

It always bothers me when an actress who has to express strong feelings can't be taken as supposed to  because of her cross-eyed asymmetry.
Like Brenda Strong. She is a great actress yet her cross-eyed face distracts attention whenever she is visible. Why can't rich actresses take a surgery to correct their eyes with laser?? It is 5 minutes and ultra safe.
On this picture she is supposed to be dramatic and sad. Yet, I can only laugh as her face looks funny with eyes facing opposite directions :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Clown character in action series?

Recently I watched the action series called Strike Back. It's about SAS actions around the globe, with no jokes or such. Everything is about guns and actions and killing people.
Though, it has a character who looks like a clown. He's got flappy ears and round nose :D How so? Every character is supposed to emphasize the "we've got balls" attitude and then there is such a comic character. And he plays a frequent role. Whose idea was this? Such a blow. Look at this picture. Two manly men, looking serious...and there is a clown on the left who makes me laugh :) Too bad. He definietly was the English casting director's friend...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Infinite loops on Microsoft's forum site


I wanted to ask a question in the Microsoft MSND forum. When I clicked the 'Ask a question' button, a site appeared saying: You are not yet signed in. You need to be signed in with a forums profile to contribute. Continue...
When I click continue, some magic happens...and I end up on the same site.
I tried to use the 'Sign In To Forums' button. It reloads the page.
Great work... infinte loops rulez. Tell me, how should I ask a question if the forum is useless?? :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Two ugly American presenters in Mythbusters

Sometimes I watch Mythbusters, the popular series about proving or disproving urban legends. Although I enjoy the show itself, I can't ignore the two presenters' look...
Do they have mothers? They should've done something about that...
Why does Jaime Heynameynaham have a beard like a dog fur? It makes him look like he had eaten something very furry. And that hat...OMG. Who wears such a lame hat? Soldier-wannabes? :) Soldiers with glasses? LOL :) He looks like he tried to put on everything he had found in his dad's garage...and he never smiles (luckily)
And the ginger guy. Adam (Sandler) Savage. He is very unlucky. He is ginger (bad luck), he is getting gray (ginger and gray together...blowing your mind) and that old glasses... he looks like and old storyteller.
Someone has paid lots of money to keep them on screen. Too bad, they couldn't find to average looking Americans...

Look at them: dust and no dignity :)